Easier Accounting: How Truewind Helps You Focus On The Things That Matter

Case Study

Jul 15, 2023


Easier Accounting: How Truewind Helps You Focus On The Things That Matter Min Read

Truewind revolutionizes bookkeeping with fewer errors and faster closes.

Truewind revolutionizes bookkeeping with fewer errors and faster closes.

For too long, startups have tried to solve bookkeeping thru a set of rules 🙄 But bookkeeping isn't a set of rules. It's a set of guidelines! Bookkeeping isn't just numbers. It requires business context 💡

For the first time ever, we have the AI technology to capture these nuances. Why does this matter to you? It means fewer errors, more transparency, and faster monthly close. Doesn't this sound like the 10x better experience that you deserve? ✨Truewind brings a delightful accounting and finance experience to fast growing companies.


The challenge faced by most companies is that you are unable to prioritize bookkeeping due to time constraints. As a result, it was put off until the last possible moment and dealt with painfully.


However, implementing Truewind helps companies to become more proactive in their approach towards bookkeeping.


Consequently, the founders and employees now have more time to focus on other important tasks such as revenue and growth.


Founding teams have a clear focus on ensuring their customers' success. For a developer tool, this means making the software engineers life easier. For a sales lead gen tool, this means providing better quality leads to SDRs. This emphasis on their customers' needs, however, leave very little time for bookkeeping.

Every year, their tax preparer would remind the team that you needed to get the books in order to file taxes. But because time was limited, CEO and founder often put off bookkeeping, making it challenging to ask specific questions about their finances. Although your customers are receiving excellent service, your internal finances suffer.

Eventually, you'll realize that you need to take action. Being the forward-thinking leader you are, you decide you want to leverage technology without locking yourself into a proprietary system. Flexibility is important here.


First thing you'll realize is that you'll need external assistance to overcome your bookkeeping problems. Why not bring someone in-house? Again, flexibility - a provider that can scale your finance back-office up and down as you need it.

Truewind's AI-driven approach combines the strengths of people and technology. Many of you are probably already utilizing QuickBooks Online, the most popular accounting software. Truewind can pick up the work where it was left off without any data migration. It's minimal involvement from your side: give us at Truewind the access we need and consider your accounting put on auto-pilot.

Truewind doesn't necessitate any changes to your current procedures, which is probably precisely what you're looking for. Bookkeeping powered by AI is only the first step of our finance journey; now that we know your financial statements inside out, we can work with you on a strategic level too. Truewind functions as a real partner, one that can help you think about your company in a more holistic manner, rather than just focusing on the books.

You'll feel an immediate relief after partnering with Truewind. Rather than spending weeks cleaning up your books at the end of the year, Truewind keeps them up to date every month. You can review them every month in a more manageable and precise manner. With us, you and your team can continue to prioritize helping your customers' without worrying about bookkeeping issues.