Blog Article

Employee Spotlight: Melody Tong

Alex Lee




Aug 2, 2024

This week, we're speaking with our product manager, Melody Tong. We delved into what it was like joining Truewind in college, overcoming one of her most challenging assignments, and how she’s seen the company evolve since 2022.

Meet Melody, Truewind’s first hire, and a brilliant product manager.  

With an incredible skill set gained from her experiences in both finance and teaching, Melody has made phenomenal contributions to Truewind in every area from customer success and business operations to financial analysis and product development.  

Her ability to master new skills quickly, excellent leadership and outstanding attention to detail have made her central to the company’s success. 

We spoke with Melody to learn more about her journey at Truewind, how she’s able to make an impact in so many different areas, and her tips for overcoming obstacles. 

You were the first person to join Truewind as a senior in college. Back then, what made you believe in and want to be a part of the company?

As a finance student, most of my peers were aiming for traditional roles in banking, insurance, or funds. 

However, with the launch of technologies like ChatGPT, I became curious and somewhat concerned about how the financial world would change. 

Questions like "Will I be replaced?" and "What kind of work will be automated?" were on my mind. 

Truewind was at the heart of integrating generative AI with the accounting sector, building what I saw as a bridge between cutting-edge technology and conventional financial practices.


This fusion of innovation and accounting sparked my curiosity and ambition to be part of a transformative journey.

What are some of the biggest ways that you’ve seen the company evolve since you first joined?

Since joining Truewind in December 2022, I've seen our product offerings become more refined and mature. 

Initially, our CEO and CTO had a broad vision that has since been sharply focused. It’s something that’s been achieved through continuous engagement with accountants in order to understand their pain points and find the right opportunities for innovation within different accounting modules. 

From initially automating categorization to now developing sophisticated tools for flux analysis, prepaid schedules, and accrued expenses, we've turned ideas into one practical solution after another.

In my time here, I’ve also witnessed a remarkable evolution in our market position. At the outset, we had just six clients, but in a year and a half, that number has soared to over 90, and is complemented by partnerships with more than seven accounting firms. 

This rapid growth underscores the impact and relevance of our AI-driven solutions within the accounting industry, and I really feel like our standout moment came during the AICPA conference in June.

The accounting sector is increasingly recognizing the importance of integrating AI to further enhance operations and unlock margin. 

Our growing client base and strategic partnerships reflect our strengthening market position, with Truewind not just participating in but actually leading the transformation of accounting practices.

You do an amazing job of helping so many people in every department. What are some of your tips for managing lots of different tasks and deadlines?

Managing multiple tasks and deadlines can be challenging, especially when interruptions are frequent. 

I've found that keeping a detailed log of each task’s progress, challenges encountered, and contacts for further communication is crucial. 

This not only helps in prioritizing but also in transitioning between projects efficiently.

Planning ahead is another strategy I rely on. 

I use Sundays to organize most of my assignments for the upcoming week and always allocate sufficient buffer time for ad hoc tasks and meetings, which helps with reducing stress and staying organized.

What has been one of your most challenging projects, and how did you overcome the obstacles you faced?

One of my most challenging tasks was serving as the flow manager at AICPA. My job was to rapidly identify qualified leads from among walk-in attendees.

The environment was fast-paced, with a high volume of people on the first day, and it initially overwhelmed me. I was striving to engage deeply with each visitor, but soon realized the necessity of succinct communication. 

I shifted my aim to focus on making impactful connections quickly, particularly with those who showed a genuine interest in Truewind.

By observing my colleagues, I was able to efficiently introduce our company, spark enthusiasm for our product and listen deeply. 

Before the conference, and in order to tailor our pitches effectively, our team also dedicated time to simulating interactions with different customer groups.

These practice sessions taught me the value of adaptive communication, and how to effectively engage and guide conversations. 

What advice would you give to someone starting as an intern at Truewind today?

Proactive learning: Don't let your title limit your actions. Take initiative beyond your assigned tasks. 

At Truewind, unlike larger companies where roles are more defined, you have the opportunity to quickly transition from a contributor to a leader. 

This proactive approach is crucial within our dynamic work environment.

Actively seek feedback: Request feedback, not only from managers, but also from colleagues.


Whether it concerns a recent project, your participation in meetings, or the methods you adopt for problem-solving, always seek out advice on ways you can get even better. 

Reflection and improvement are key to accelerate your growth at Truewind, especially since continuous learning is central to our culture.

Switching from the work topics, what are some of your favorite hobbies?

I love exploring new restaurants and coffee shops around Toronto, and whenever I travel. I'm a food enthusiast at heart! 

Of course, I always bring my dog, Miso, along with me :) 

What’s your all-time favorite movie?

The Elegance of the Hedgehog.

It explores an unexpected friendship between a concierge with a passion for art and philosophy and an 11-year-old girl planning to end her life on her twelfth birthday. 

The luxurious apartment in the story is a microcosm of society’s class structure. 

One of my favorite quotes from the film is that, “We are solitary hedgehogs, only those with the same wavelengths can see the unknown elegance deep inside each other.”

What's the best life advice you've ever received?

"Be yourself." 

That resonated deeply with me during my student years and continues to influence me to this day. 

Recently, I watched the movie, Inside Out, where this line really struck me: "I'm not good enough." 

As we grow older, we often feel more anxiety, embarrassment, and sadness. 

We tend to compare ourselves more with others, trying to fit in and sometimes even conforming to please them. 

However, it’s not about being perfect or emulating someone else; it’s about evolving into the person you genuinely aspire to be, and celebrating your unique journey along the way.

What’s one of the coolest places you’ve visited?

Banff and Jasper National Parks.

I have a deep appreciation for nature, and the breathtaking landscapes there have a way of making you feel connected to the earth. 

I experienced all four seasons in a single day when hiking Angel Glacier, from drizzling rain and hail to sunshine to strong winds. 

I’m not sure how to describe it other than it felt like you were observing the magic of nature's beauty.

Final question: if you could have any superpower, what would it be? 

Turning back time! 

I cherish the time I spend with family and friends, but it always feels like there isn't enough of it.  

When I was younger, there were always traffic jams on the way to school, and I’d wish that time would just stop so that I wouldn’t be late. 

Now, I wish that I could turn back time, and travel to any happy moment I choose.

Interested in joining Melody and the Truewind team? We’d love to have you!

Explore our open positions, and let’s shape the future of accounting together.

Alex Lee

About the Author

Alex is the Co-founder and CEO of Truewind. He's a 2x startup founder, both companies backed by Y Combinator. He started his career as an aerospace engineer at Boeing. He got his MBA at Columbia and BS in Aerospace Engineering from USC.